Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday, April 22 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Discuss Emily Dickinson’s poetry
*Extended Metaphor Discussion
*Anne Bradstreet –Notes
* “Upon the Burning of Our House” pg 118
*Analyze the poem (also, how do you see Puritan characteristics)
*The Author to Her Book” (on own or with partner)
*Read through one time.
*Figure meanings of unknown words, think/write questions, comments, thoughts about the poem.
*Read again.
*Is there a rhyme scheme? What is it? Repetition? Figurative language? What poetic devices? Annotate the poem, marking these ideas on your sheet, with line numbers.
*Read a third time.
*What are some possible meanings? What happens in it? What parts of the poem make you think what you do about it? Make sure to refer to line numbers.
*Bradstreet-how do you see Puritan Characteristics?
*When done, keep notes, come get “The Author to Her Book” (analyze this poem as well –follow steps above, then answer these/annotate on poem)
*What lines imply Bradstreet sees herself as unworthy to write?
*Interpret lines 3-5 of “The Author to Her Book”
*What do you think about her attitude that the book is an additional child? Is this a good comparison (how are they similar or not)?

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