Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday, June 6 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Work Time on Books with Friends Book Pitch and/or paper
*Meet with me when called up or if you have other questions
*Reminders on paper:
*Work cited page
*Rubric check
*Support thesis throughout
*Print out your paper for self editing (if you want to highlight for summary and analysis, it could be helpful)
*Have someone else read your paper and help you out.*** 
*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically
*Only information in your story that directly ties to quote given and thesis!! Don’t just tell what happens in the story UNLESS IT CONNECTS TO THE DIRECT QUOTE!

*Time it when you practice –tell me the time after you have run through it at least twice out loud

Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday, June 5 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Book Pitch work time
*Works Cited Page reminder (Anthology entry) –shared with you
*Writer’s Workshop
*Reminders on paper:
*Work cited page
*Rubric check
*Support thesis throughout
*At this point, you should be working on second draft of ENTIRE paper or even possibly your third draft
*You need to self edit.  I am not reading and looking for grammar/spelling/punctuation –YOU NEED TO DO THIS!!!!!
*Print out your paper for self editing (if you want to highlight for summary and analysis, it could be helpful)
*Have someone else read your paper and help you out.*** 
*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically
*Only information in your story that directly ties to quote given and thesis!! Don’t just tell what happens in the story UNLESS IT CONNECTS TO THE DIRECT QUOTE!

*If you have met with me, work on the issues I brought up with you as you revise.  If you haven’t met with me, you should still be revising, but focus on your self revisions and editing!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday, June 2 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop: if you are conferring with me today, work on that first
*Writer’s Workshop
*Reminders on paper:
*Work cited page
*Rubric check
*Support thesis throughout
*You should be done with rough draft of ENTIRE paper (except conclusion)
*If you are worried your paper is too long…the average for this paper is between 9 and 11 pages
*You need to self edit.  I am not reading the whole paper looking for grammar/spelling/punctuation –YOU NEED TO DO THIS!!!!!
*Have someone else read your paper and help you out. 
*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically
*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically
*Only information in your story that directly ties to quote given and thesis!! Don’t just tell what happens in the story UNLESS IT CONNECTS TO THE DIRECT QUOTE!
*If you have met with me, work on the issues I brought up with you as you revise.  If you haven’t met with me, you should still be revising, but focus on your self revisions and editing!

*Book Pitch Work Time (at various times throughout the hour, depending on where you are with the paper)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Thursday, June 1 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Work time on Book Pitch (20 min)
*Writer’s Workshop/Writing Conferences
*PUT YOUR THESIS AS THE FIRST SENTENCE OF YOUR PAPER (unless you have written an intro, in which case, the thesis should be the last line of the intro)
*At the end of today, you SHOULD be done with rough draft of the body: I will be looking through the papers that have been shared with me TODAY/TONIGHT
*You need to self edit.  I am not able to read through your whole paper, looking for grammar/spelling/punctuation –YOU NEED TO DO THIS!!!!!
*Have someone else read your paper and help you out. 

*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically