Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday, March 31 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Collect paper and Crucible book
*“Speech in the Virginia Convention” Discussion: see Schoology for directions on posting
*Large Group on Patrick Henry (on Monday)
*Reminder of Realism Era: what was life at the time, social issues, etc.
*“The Yellow Wallpaper” 799/packet

*While reading: minimum of five close read notes/annotations (comment/connection/question/etc) plus create two discussion questions about the story and a summary of your interpretation of the story, especially the ending of the story

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday, March 30 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Blogging About Lit Intro Continued
*Schedule creation, book requesting if needed
*Reminder, the book needs to be CHALLENGING for you!
*I’ll check your calendar if you have it ready
*Class List and Themes

*One Pager Presentations
Crucible Analysis Due Tomorrow
*Third Person Pronouns (Academic Voice)
*Heading in the upper left corner
*Works Cited Page (only one entry for most; MLA format)
*Fully Supported Thesis (through topic sentences and analysis)
*More Analysis than Summary

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday, March 29 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Reminder: Patrick Henry Speech close read and questions due in 20 minutes (if you are done, work on your paper)
*Writer’s Workshop
*Turning a second draft into a final reminders
*Pink: punctuation, capitalization, academic voice, format, other grammar or conventions
*Yellow: fluency, sentence structure (fragment, run-on, comma splice)
*Meet with me to confer on comments
*Crucible Web: If you were not happy with your score (remember, it is in as an assessment), you can add more connections/more details on the ones you have.  If you are doing that, you need to get the corrections/additions AND the rubric in to me by MONDAY!
*Paper due Friday!!
*One Pager Presentations start Thursday

*Blogging about Literature intro (@9:20)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: The Individual and Society: In writer’s notebook, write a quick list of ways that an individual can interact with society. Think of these ideas: can individuals change society? Can society change individuals? Can you exist without society? Can society exist without individuals? Are there different definitions of society that matter here?
*Writer’s Workshop:
*Work on revising for craft comments, editing
*Issues noticed: Introduction information (fluency through intro, leading to thesis), unity when supporting thesis (topic sentences), depth of analysis (keeping analysis tied to topic sentences and thesis)
*Editing noticed: Pink: academic voice; italicize long works; citation format; general conventions.  Yellow: comma issues; sentence fluency; sentence structure
*Examples of analysis, intros, conclusions (from google drive)
*One Pager Presentations on Thursday: Use time to work on this only if your paper is coming along well (you are at least done with a second draft of intro, body, and conclusion)
*Patrick Henry Speech –I’d highlight in three or four different colors (HOMEWORK)
*Three rhetorical questions and the assumed answers from the speech.  Why include these questions? “Is this the part of wise men…” he wants listeners to think that, no, wise men search for freedom with open eyes, seeing truth.
*Allusion: find another mention of a literary/historical/biblical event.  Any thoughts as to why it would be included? Take a guess…
*How does this fit in the topic (the individual and society)?

*How do you see themes of independence or freedom in this speech? (Themes of the era)

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday, March 27 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Possessive apostrophe and colon rules (slide 10)
*Analysis vs. summary: need to print out a copy of your body paragraphs first
*You need two colors of highlighters or one highlighter and one colored pencil.
*Find the Summary vs. Analysis handout and re-read it (extras in folder if needed)
*Highlight everything that you feel is summary in one color, everything that is analysis in another color
*Meet with me (bring your highlighted copy)
Work on changing from first draft to second draft, getting your analysis to be at least two times more than your summary (if not 3), adding more analysis, depth of analysis (not just that it proves your thesis, but WHY and HOW)
*Writer’s Workshop: second draft shared with me by end of block (second has the intro and conclusion)
*Intros: Attention getter, Necessary Information (author’s name, title(italics), plot info related to thesis), Thesis
*All need to tie together, need fluency, one idea builds to the other
*Better analysis: tied to topic sentences, fully proving the thesis, take parts of the quote to explain
*Conclusions: restated thesis (new words/order, same idea), re-emphasize arguments (not summarize everything you said), explain ‘so what?’ and possibly tie back to attention getter

*Go to the link on Schoology and join my ‘class’…

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday, March 24 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop Time
*How to write a paragraph: write together -analysis practice in Google Drive
*Support of thesis –direct, logical support in each paragraph –unity in paragraphs
*Development of ideas –specific and logical, fully explains the point
*TIQA x2 (Paragraphs will be quite lengthy, that’s ok)
*Meet with me if you have questions on essay
*Body paragraphs rough draft due end of class today (share with me and tell me you are done)
*Work on Intro and Conclusion when body rough draft is complete
*Intros: Attention getter, Necessary Information (author’s name, title(italics), plot info related to thesis), Thesis
*All need to tie together, need fluency, one idea builds to the other
*Conclusions: restated thesis (new words/order, same idea), re-emphasize arguments (not summarize everything you said), explain ‘so what?’ and possibly tie back to attention getter

*One Pager Presentations on Thursday!! If you need a break from your paper, work on reading/creating your one pager

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday, March 23 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Outline requirements reminder
*At least three main points you are making to prove your thesis
*At least four specific pieces of textual evidence with page numbers (one for each point, minimum)
*A potential thought for an attention getter
*Necessary Information for Intro
*Read through of Schoology discussion insights
*Crucible Test: when done, work on outline if not completed, show me when you have all requirements, then work on BODY PARAGRAPHS FIRST!!
*Crucible Essay Assignment/writer’s workshop time ––first draft (typed –google docs would be best) due Friday(end of block), editing draft due end Monday

*One Pager Presentations begin in a week! 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday, March 22 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Life Lessons of The Crucible: In your WN, create a list of as many “lessons” as you can think of that can be taken from this play: both specific and general/universal.
*Act 4 Discussion Small Groups (directions on previous slide)
*Analysis Essay Choices
*Crucible Essay Assignment approx. due dates –first draft (body paragraphs typed or hand written) due Friday (end of block), editing draft (2nd body, intro, conc) due Monday (end of block)
*I will need to see your outline at some point today/tomorrow (the earlier I see it, the more time you have to work on the body paragraphs themselves)
*You should be done with your choice book this week and working on your One Pager; we will begin talking about the next independent reading requirement in about five school days…
*You will want to have your book that you have chosen to read finished by Friday/Monday at the absolute latest: One Pager Presentations begin next Thursday!
*Focus Points ‘Discussion’ –Homework: Add another comment or continue a discussion, make sure you read through them all. Also homework: WEB!!!, Studying for test!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday, March 21 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Discuss WN Entries from yesterday
*Act 3 Quiz
*When done, put on stool, post to Schoology (if you didn’t yet), then work on your web (remember, it is an assessment [not just a quick homework assignment])
*Instead of an Act 4 quiz, we will have the web (for plot and character motivations) and a 2 page test on analyzing quotes, understanding big ideas, analyzing the book as a whole
*On Thursday
*The Crucible Act 4
*Pg 121
*In your WN: Explain your understanding of John’s actions in Act 4: Why did he decide to confess, then not? Why does Hale say John is willing to hang? What does Elizabeth say?
*Read “Echoes Down the Corridor”
*Web due Thursday, you need to have details (if applicable) from Act 3 and 4

*HWK: Web; Schoology; WN on Proctor A4

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday, March 20 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Read ‘Other Motivations’ on Schoology and review A2/what we read of A3
*Focus Points Posting: Need to post three examples (at least one from A3 so far)
*When you have posted, work on your web (it is due on Thursday), read your independent book, or work on your one pager
*Act 3 100-120
*In WN: What does Proctor risk by claiming he had an affair with Abigail?  What does he gain?  How did the pros outweigh the cons in this situation and ‘make’ him admit it? –bring to me to check when done
*What does John Proctor mean when he says, “God is dead!” (end of act 3)? Why does he say it at this point? What does the rest of his speech to those in the court mean (pg 120)? What do others think he means?  Discuss with partner, jot down notes
*Act 3 Quiz tomorrow

*Make sure you posted at least one insightful comment on a Schoology Discussion board in three of the Focus Points Discussions. Now add a fourth point from the second half of Act 3 and comment on one other person’s point by adding to it or connecting it to something else
REMEMBER: Web due on Thursday, make sure you are working on it!!  If you need the written out assignment, it is on Schoology in the Crucible folder.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday, March 10 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Finish your motivation explanations (jealousy, fear, love, additional emotion) –post your ‘other emotion’ paragraph in Schoology
*Web Work Time
*Tangled Web Work Time: Web due Wed/Thurs, you need to have details (if applicable) from Act 3 and 4
*Own book –finish it before the end of the quarter, in the next two weeks we’ll be starting a different reading requirement…
*One Pager time:

*Gather materials to work on it, continue reading if you are really far from the end of the book

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday, March 9 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Tangled Web assignment, due Thursday after break (use either “connected mind” on google chrome, or to make a map on the computer)
*Bring the paragraphs that were homework to me (about Act 2 Scene 2)
*Act 2 Quiz
*Start web while waiting, or read book
*Discuss answer for A2 S2
*Crucible Act 3
*Why is Mary so afraid?
*Explain how these feelings have motivated people in the play The Crucible: Jealousy, Fear, Love, Additional Emotions (you need to pick one emotion that isn’t listed and explain how it motivates). Be detailed and try to look beyond the obvious as well (Shorter paragraph on each). –the additional emotion paragraph will be posted on Friday (Schoology)

*Own book –finish it soon and work on your one-pager, in the next week and a half or so we’ll be starting a different reading requirement…

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday, March 8 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Finish A2 62-81
*Focus Points: Trial, Motivations, Hysteria, Empowerment
*Focus Points Discussion and more:
*What happened with Abigail and the doll? Did Mary know what Abby was going to do? What makes you say this?
*Discuss John’s comments on pg 77: What does he mean, what does this show about him? Discuss all parts, translate every part (write it down)
*Pontius Pilate? Why?
*Pg 79 Hale’s speech interpretation (write it down)
*What about what Hale said affected John most? Why? What does he think about himself?
*Re-read John’s last lines in A2 (pg 80-81)- Interpret what he means by that. (write it)
*Talk about what you’ve seen as examples of different focus points
*Think of Rev. Hale’s change from the beginning (pg 36) to Act 2 (re-read his entrance to A2 (pg 62) and how he acts/what he says at the end).  Why has his manner/appearance changed?  Did he want to find witchcraft in Salem when he arrived? What does he feel about the trials now? What evidence in act 2 backs up your opinions and/or shows a possible change? –Write the evidence at least (direct quotes and pg #)
*Act 2 quiz (tomorrow)
*Scene 2 (pg 148) –read on own –done by tomorrow

*in WN: What was the author’s purpose in writing the scene (Act 2 Scene 2)? Why has this scene been cut out of basically all performances of The Crucible? What do readers/viewers gain from the possible addition of the scene, what do they lose/why is it unnecessary? Need min. two full paragraphs.  Give multiple reasons.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tuesday, March 7 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: A1 Quiz with Part 2 of Intro Quiz (details from 33-36)
*When done with quiz:
*Read through Proctor Reactions on Schoology (or post yours if you haven’t); add details to Focus Points sheet
*One Pager Reminder
*12ish (counting today) school days until one pager presentations
*Write down some of your thoughts for one pager or read while waiting for all to finish
*Act 2 49-57
* Do you think Mary actually felt the way she explains on pg 57? Does she believe what she is telling the Proctors?
*What information does Mary Warren give? What is going on in Salem/the court? –add to trial section of notes
*John and Elizabeth’s Relationship –write about it in Character Motivation section of Focus Points
*More on John’s character –specifics from his interaction with Elizabeth throughout act 2(look at stage directions)
*Focus Points: Trial, Motivations, Hysteria, Empowerment
*Act 2 Quiz Wednesday/Thurs.! (after we finish A2 and discussion)

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday, March 6 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Finish Acting out Act 1 (28-48)
*Add to character details and relationships; add to focus points
*Motivation –girls and how are those other than the girls motivated? Why do the girls accuse (Abigail, Betty, Tituba)?
*Reputation –who is concerned with rep, how?
*Hysteria –who contributes, who calms?
*All of the rest
*Character and Relationships Brainstorming (alone or with partner): I’d suggest jotting a few notes (not for the quiz, but for future benefit)
*Read Miller’s explanations on pages 25-36 (specific focus on 33-36) writing questions, important ideas, relationship details, etc. down while reading to talk about with partner at intervals: I will stop the whole class at different points to have time for discussion with partner
*Discuss 33-36 writing questions down while discussing for whole group at end of partner discussion time: make sure you both understand what he is talking about
*Big Ideas to Discuss (and fully understand): Hale’s experience with witchcraft, the use of the devil (especially in politics and connecting his ideas on the Red Scare), the devil before Christianity, witchcraft in Salem (in Miller’s opinion)

*Act 1 Quiz TOMORROW