Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tuesday, May 30 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Outline!!!
*OMM Big Ideas Assessment –print out if typed
*Perspective Journals collected at beginning of the hour tomorrow!
*Things to remember/think about during Writer’s Workshop time
*Today you should be finishing your outline (if you haven’t yet) and then starting the rough draft of your body paragraphs
*Each body paragraph point on the outline should have at least 2 quotes with in-text citations. 
*Your goal is to fully prove your complete thesis with in-depth analysis for BOTH stories: you should be proving a similar theme, potentially other similarities, and contrasting the stories either only through era characteristics, or also through theme treatment
*Most of the papers will have the comparing be the theme and the contrasting be the era specifics, but the strongest papers will go more in-depth on both the theme and the era (potentially similarities and differences for both)
*Work on Body paragraphs
*Remember to follow TIQA while writing, or at least remember to analyze each quote –explain why/how it proves your point
*Each body paragraph should have approx. 2 quotes with in-text citations.
*Blogging about Lit Presentation work time (if/when you have some body paragraphs written)

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday, May 26 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Read Section 5 and 6
*Perspective journal: either half page for 5 and half for 6 (switching perspectives), or full page for both together (one person’s perspective)
*Perspective Journals due Wednesday: should have 1-16, 17-31, 31-53, 53-65, 66-83, 84-end {full page} (or 84-98 and 99-end)
*Discussion on the end of the book tomorrow (those who are gone will participate in the online discussion part)
*Big Idea Notes Sheet:
*I’m going to check your big idea notes while you are working on the perspective journals/working on your final analysis paper
*To be prepared for the assessment on Tuesday you need:
*A theme (message) about the American Dream shown in the book and a theme (message about one of the other two ideas you traced
*Two pieces of evidence for each theme that you can analyze to develop your theme. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PAGE NUMBERS AND TEXTUAL EVIDENCE WRITTEN DOWN ON A SHEET (CAN BE THE BIG IDEA SHEET OR ANOTHER)
*Open NOTE assessment, NOT open book
*Thesis and Note-Taking
*Work on figuring out theme/thesis, taking notes, and starting the outline
*Thesis check: your rough draft thesis must be checked by the end of the end of the hour at the latest (rough draft thesis most likely will change)
*Outline Reminders

*Final Paper thesis check and work time (paper or Book Pitch)

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wednesday, May 24 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Intro to Final
*you should know of what stories you are analyzing and have copies of them by tomorrow (end of block)
*Rough Draft Thesis due by middle of block tomorrow
*Add your name to the list with the titles of the stories you are writing about (if you need a copy, talk to me)
*Work Time: themes, ideas for thesis: checked mid block tomorrow
*Finish Part 4 (74-83)
*Perspective journal on all of 4 (can be Lennie, Crooks, Candy –George isn’t in the section till end of 4, so don’t pick him).  All perspective journals will be collected next Tuesday/Wednesday.
*Perspective Journal #5 (66-83)
*With the same small group, work on discussing and then jotting down answers to questions (1-8), especially questions 5 and 7 on sheet then add your opinions on these questions: (ADD THIS NEXT TO ?5) Why doesn’t Curley’s wife get a name? What could Steinbeck be saying by not giving Curley’s wife a name but giving the cathouse runners names? Or is it just trying to make something out of nothing that she has no name and they do? Explain why you think what you do.
*Add this to the ‘power’ question (8) on sheet: Why does Curley’s wife verbally attack Crooks the way she does at the end of section 4?
*Also add this to the power question: What does this section, or the book in general say/show about marginalized people? Who in the book would fall into that category? How/Why? How can that idea fit into any of the big ideas you are tracing?

*Hwk: Make sure you have finished your independent book and are posting your last post on your blog; thesis check tomorrow, mid-block; perspective journal (66-83)

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tuesday, May 23 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Collect Gothic Story
*Conflict notes: what are some examples of the different types –quick brainstorm and jot notes down on paper
*Read 53-66 together
*Big Idea Discussion
*With small group, talk about **and POST** specific examples of the four types of conflicts in the book so far.  Then go through the big idea sheet and discuss where the different ideas have been seen (start with Am. Dream, be specific, page numbers/textual evidence always helpful). Take a look at Schoology to see if as a group you are missing any –also look through the conflict and lit. device folders
*Assessment on OMM coming soon (best guess=Tuesday)
*This will focus on the Big Ideas tied to THEMES and Textual Evidence
*Section 3 Quiz
*Journal Entry on 53-65 (#4)

*Homework: Read part of Section 4 (66-74 stop at “Candy’s voice answered.”

Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday, May 22 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Gothic Story Writer’s Workshop Time –story due tomorrow!
*Book Pitch Introduction
*Conflict Notes
*With same small group from Friday, finish the sheet and then talk and write about the following: (43-53)
*George says that guys like them, who work on ranches are “the loneliest guys in the world” (Steinbeck 13).  What is his reasoning behind the statement?  Do you agree? Why/why not? How does the idea of “belonging” relate to this statement and Lennie and George’s relationship and their position in life so far?
*Big Idea Discussion: talk about what you have traced for big ideas so far and then as a group, post a specific detail or piece of textual evidence (with page number) to three of the big idea boards on Schoology
*Conflict Types and examples with your group, then post to the boards on Schoology (not just char. Name vs. char. Name, but names with how that specific conflict is playing out)
*Read through everything that has been posted so far on Schoology
*If time, start writing your perspective journal (31-53)

*Homework: Finish perspective journal on 31-53, Gothic story final draft due tomorrow

Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday, May 19 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: OMM section 2 –read to page 31 (after “…so you won’t forget it”)
*Before you grab the quiz, work on the bullet points on the white board –grab the quiz when you’ve finished (all quizzes need to be started by: ) –When you finish the quiz: Journal Entry on section 2 (17-31), can be from same perspective or switch, half page long (summary and character’s reactions to events, first person pov)
*two perspective journals should be completed at this point (1-17, 17-31)
*Pgs 1-31 Quiz: Discussion after all are finished
*Similes, Metaphors, Personification, Foreshadowing, Symbols –notes for these will be online, so maybe mark (annotate) where you see them and then add to online notes during small group discussions
*Start reading OMM again –stop on page 43 (ain’t doin’ no harm)
*Discussion on pages 1-43
*Blog Post 6 due today!!  Final Blog Post due next Friday!!
*Homework: Section 3 start on page 43 read to page 53 (“the door opened”)
*Things to pay attention to when reading: Big idea examples, any examples of symbols, similes, metaphors, personification, foreshadowing, and conflicts

*journal entry on 30-53 (can do Monday after the WN entry)

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Thursday, May 18 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Teaching the Harlem Ren. Poems
*American Dream Discussion –partner from yesterday
*Definition of American Dream (In OMM Folder in Schoology)
*Discuss the fourth question, focusing on your prior knowledge of the Great Depression era (as that is when the book is set)
*Go back to the American Dream Definition and take the best ideas from the definitions (take a look at what I added), and what you gathered from the article, to create a revised definition –post that defn
*Begin Of Mice and Men: Basic Intro then Topic/Big idea sheet
*Of Mice and Men Section 1
*Journal Entry from the perspective of George or Lennie on events from Section 1:

*Finish Section 1, write perspective journal on 1-16; Final Draft Gothic Fiction due Tuesday

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wednesday, May 17 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Jazz Age, Harlem Renaissance, Great Depression (Find Modern notes -review)
*Langston Hughes – “Harlem,” “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” and “I, too, sing America” pg. 880-3/packet
*Paul Laurence Dunbar “We Wear the Mask” pg 621/packet
***There are suggested note questions to have answers to, but also annotate the poem on your own, with your own thoughts
*Am Dream Question Check while working on Harlem Ren. poems
*Gothic Story Work Time: use the rubric as you revise and edit
*Developed character
*Sensory Images (showing not telling)
*Gothic characteristics
*Harlem Renaissance Poetry Discussion
*With partner, mark up the document with annotations, highlighting, comments, etc to help answer all of the questions I put on the sheet, as well as all other things you noticed. 

*You and your partner will be explaining the poem to the rest of the class (all meanings, how it demonstrates characteristics of HR, poetic devices, etc)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tuesday, May 16 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Blogging About Literature Reminders
*“A Rose for Emily”
*On sheet of paper: Why would what happened happen (what was revealed in the end of the story)?
*What textual evidence from the story supports your idea/answer?
*Chronological Order of “Rose for Emily” on same sheet with WN entry –turn in to stool (read BAL book/post/comment if done before others)
*Gothic Story Writer’s Workshop time:
*Share your story /preview story board with another person
*Read aloud the story/view portions of preview or story board
*Fill out a peer review sheet (share with author and me) –if paper, give to author
*Work on writing a COMPLETE short story –fixing issues noted by your reviewer
*Final draft due on Tuesday
*Begin “American Dream…American Conflict”

*What is the American Dream? Answers to questions in your WN (NOT ON THE SHEET) -homework

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday, May 15 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Collect “The Pit and the Pendulum” comic
*Southern Gothic: “A Rose for Emilypg 1064
*Order in which events revealed (order of things happening IN THE STORY, NOT CHRONOLOGICAL)
*After completing the sequencing, why do you think Faulkner chose to manipulate the sequence this way? What would the story lose if it was told traditionally?
*How does this story show the southern region and the era it was written in (an era different from today)?
*Why is “A Rose for Emily” considered ‘Gothic’? (specific examples (textual evidence))
*Answer questions on a separate piece of paper to turn in. Due tomorrow

*Work time on Gothic Story/Preview -First draft due tomorrow!!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday, May 11 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Large Group Discussion “The Raven”
*“Pit and the Pendulum” pg 230/packet –due end of work time tomorrow
*Read it. While reading, identify 6 most important scenes (or combine main ideas into 6 scenes), and annotate textual evidence of sensory images *due at the end of work time tomorrow (40ish minutes)*
*“Pit and Pendulum” comic- six cells (illustrated or explained in EXTREME detail), cover whole story (especially how they attempted to kill him/he escaped death each time), and list one detail (textual evidence) from the story for each of the five senses (on back of sheet)

*Gothic Story: Gothic Story Map and {Preview or full story}: explanation, brainstorm then start draft if you would like tonight, need to have a draft/story board for reading aloud on Tuesday (beginning of the hour) so you should at least have the story map done by the beginning of class tomorrow

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday, May 10 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Poem Collection
*Emulation poem: on rubric, make sure you wrote down what 3-4 devices are you emulating that should be evaluated
*Am Voice Poem: on rubric, make sure you wrote what devices you used that I am looking for to evaluate
*(this helps me see what you were aiming to accomplish, thus being able to grade them better)
*Poe notes discussion
*“Anabelle Lee”: explicate the poem (meanings (fig and lit), poetic devices, author’s life in poem, Gothic Characteristics,  etc)
*“The Raven”, pg 244 or 436, rhyme structure, alliteration, plot, characteristics of Gothic Lit.
*Discuss “The Raven” (with partner)
*“Raven” (while listening, check rhymes and alliteration notes)
*Gothic characteristics
*On a sheet of paper to turn in:

*“plot” of poem (specifically the questions the narrator asks and why he gets angry at the Raven’s answer)

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday, May 8 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Poem Work Time
*Make sure you have identified what elements should be graded on the rubric
*You should have another person read through and help you make your poem better
*Printed out copies of both poems due tomorrow
*Law of Life”
*Discuss with your small group –record your notes on 1-3 and then evidence for characteristics as an assignment submission in Schoology,
*1- Conflict: Man Vs. Nature
*2- Conflict: Man Vs. Self
*3- Personification in general and specifically personification of Death: how?  Symbolism in general, and what does the old moose symbolize? Specific connections
*Characteristics of Era (Realism and Naturalism) –you need one specific piece of evidence for Realism and one for Naturalism
*American Gothic- Notes on Gothic Literature: Looks at humanity’s attempt to supersede nature, spiritual and emotional disconnect from nature: “men have become the tools of their tools” and “things are in the saddle and ride mankind”
*Background Info p410, take notes, discuss (tomorrow)

*BAL Work Time or work on poems more

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday, May 4 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Peer Review of poems: If typed, print out two copies of each poem (if hand-written, give it to me and I’ll make copies)
*Part 1: four times (even for your own poems)
*Part 2: Conference, if you want to have someone else look at your poem, so do before going into part 3, or do some revising, then have someone else read
*Part 3: Begin to revise, look at the back of the sheet for polishing info
*Blog posts notes (PARAGRAPHS!, respond to all points brought up in comments by commenting, length, IMAGES!!!: can fix issues for rest of posts)
*American Voice and Regionalism

*Realism, Naturalism notes review

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday, May 3 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Presentations: Hauk, Janessa, Everett, Brock, Olivia, Becca, Raven, Grace, Quentin, Mckenzie
*Poem writing or BAL reading/posting work time

*Poem first drafts due tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday, May 2 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Introduce American Poetic Voice assessment
*Definition of American Voice (Spring 17): Individuals expressing ideas of freedom, change, hope, etc. to influence and shape American literature, society, and culture; breaking away from the traditional European style to create a style and medium of expression specific to America; The expression of opinions of the state of society, the beliefs and opinions of the American people 
*Poetry work time
*Who is your poet? –write it on the door
*What are some of the structural choices, ideological choices, stylistic choices, theme choices, etc. that you are thinking of emulating
*By end of tomorrow at the ABSOLUTE latest, I need to know what potential devices, structural ideas, ideological choices, and theme choices you are going to be emulating.
*Use the rubrics as you work on your draft to know what needs to be in each poem
*First draft of both poems due Thursday

*Work Time on presentation, blog posts, comments, reading your book, etc. as well

Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday, May 1 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Explication Presentation Explanation
*Multimodal presentation (more than just the words), digital presentation (images, sounds, videos, etc)
*Multi-Modal Presentation Examples
*American Voice Definition (Spring 17): Individuals expressing ideas of freedom, change, hope, etc. to influence and shape American literature, society, and culture; breaking away from the traditional European style to create a style and medium of expression specific to America; The expression of opinions of the state of society, the beliefs and opinions of the American people 
*Explication check and Presentation work time
*Make sure you have consulted the rubric and have labeled everything for me to understand
*All three poems (explicated and organized in a way to assist my assessment of them) should be done by tomorrow, presentation should be done by Wednesday

*BAL Post 3 should be done by now: if you need to go back and ‘make up’ missing posts, do so.  If you need to add IMAGES IN, do so!  Comments done as soon as posts are up!