Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday, Jan. 31 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: ACT Prep (slide 3)
*ACT Writing Evaluation: Example Essays
*Use the rubric to give each essay a score in each of the four areas as well as an overall score.  Make sure you have marked up the essay with supporting details as to why you gave the number
*Work time on Expert Group presentation

*Choice Book reading time/getting notes sheets to be copied if your notes presentations are done 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday, Jan. 30 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: ACT Prep (slide 2)
*Writer’s Workshop Time:
*Write this in ACT Prep section
*ACT writing practice– Information Accessibility (explanation on next slide)
*Collect ACT essay
*Things I’m looking for with this first essay: Intro –thesis (position on paper); Body Paragraphs –topic sentences, supporting details, logical flow of ideas (w/in and between paragraphs); Conclusion –restate thesis
*Expert group work time –presentations start tomorrow!!
*Make sure you have a note sheet for your classmates for the presentation
*Note Sheet should highlight the most important portions of your presentation: What will people need throughout the semester about your era (literary techniques, literary terms, characteristics of the era, characteristics and beliefs of movements and eras, etc)

*Give me one copy and I will make a class set

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday, Jan. 27 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Go to ACT Prep section (slide 1)
*Independent Reading:
*End result: Creative One Pager: assignment handout and examples
*Examples and Note Sheets ‘how-to’
*Expert Groups:
*Continue planning presentation (use power point shared with you to help create)
*Presentations begin Tuesday
*Chronological Order: The Native American and Colonial Period; The Puritan Era; The Revolutionary Period and Age of Reason; Romanticism and Transcendentalism; Realism, Regionalism and Naturalism; Modernism and Harlem Renaissance; and the Post Modern and Contemporary Era.
*We will have about 45 minutes Monday (which is the last chunk of work time), so make sure you figure out what needs to be done and who will be doing it (if things need to be done over the weekend)!!
*Make sure you have a note sheet for your classmates for the presentation

*Note Sheet should highlight the most important portions of your presentation: What will people need throughout the semester about your era (literary techniques, literary terms, characteristics of the era, characteristics and beliefs of movements and eras, etc)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday, Jan. 26 Agenda

*Expert Groups: Continue Researching –share your notes with me now, let me know when you think you have compiled enough for me to check
*You need to have all of your information on your Google Doc by the middle of work time tomorrow!
*Cross Check notes

*Presentation ideas

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday, Jan. 25 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Share blackout poem
*Binder division
*Expert Groups
*Find out Era
*Begin researching
*Choice Book
*First Quarter: Any book from the list, needs to challenge you though (if one you want to read is not on the list, talk to me and you’ll submit a ‘proposal’ to me).
*End result: Creative One Pager

*Library- if necessary and your group is ok with you leaving

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday, Jan. 24 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: find your seat (pick a seat…for now…)
*Blackout “poetry” explanation of yourself, an important idea to you, or just a creative thought
*Writer’s Notebook/Binder- need one ASAP (some of you have one from last year?)
*What is English 11/American Lit?
*“Survey” course, Eras
*Common Themes (the BIG focus)
*Expert Groups explanation
*ranking for Expert Group preferences by end of block (on a sheet of paper where you list top five)
Independent Book Requirements

Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, Jan. 20 Agenda

*Belle, Trevor, and Katelyn Evaluate Emily and Dani
*Ella and Brandon evaluate Rachel and Spencer
*Jase and Tyler evaluate Cole and Trevor
*Joe, Blake, and Thorne Evaluate Jami and Alaina
*Kalvin and Teddy Evaluate Belle and Katelyn

*Sven and Chris evaluate Brittanie and Cassidy

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, Jan. 19 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Collect Papers (rubric paper clipped to paper DON’T FORGET WORKS CITED)
****get presentation to me
*Presentations and Peer Evaluation:
*Cassidy and Brittanie Evaluate Joe and Thorne
*Emily and Dani and Evaluate Ella and Brandon
*Jami and Alaina Evaluate  Sven, Chris, and Blake
*Rachel and Spencer Evaluate Jase and Tyler
*Cole and Trevor evaluate Kalvin and Teddy
*Friday’s Presentations
*Belle and Katelyn Evaluate Emily and Dani
*Ella and Brandon evaluate Rachel and Spencer
*Jase and Tyler evaluate Cole and Trevor
*Joe, Blake, and Thorne Evaluate Jami and Alaina
*Kalvin and Teddy Evaluate Belle and Katelyn

*Sven and Chris evaluate Brittanie and Cassidy

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday, Jan. 18 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Final Work Time on Books with Friends Book Pitch and/or paper
*Meet with me when called up or if you have other questions
*Reminders on paper:
*Work cited page
*Rubric check
*Support thesis throughout
*Print out your paper for self editing (if you want to highlight for summary and analysis, it could be helpful)
*Have someone else read your paper and help you out.*** 
*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically
*Only information in your story that directly ties to quote given and thesis!! Don’t just tell what happens in the story UNLESS IT CONNECTS TO THE DIRECT QUOTE!
*Time it when you practice –tell me the time after you have run through it at least twice out loud
*Order of presentations 

*Peer Evaluation and Self Evaluation

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday, Jan. 16 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop: if both you and your partner have comments on your paper, work on that first
*Writer’s Workshop
*Reminders on paper:
*Work cited page
*Rubric check
*Support thesis throughout
*You should be done with rough draft of ENTIRE paper (except conclusion)
*You need to self edit.  I am not reading the whole paper looking for grammar/spelling/punctuation –YOU NEED TO DO THIS!!!!!
*Have someone else read your paper and help you out. 
*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically
*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically
*Only information in your story that directly ties to quote given and thesis!! Don’t just tell what happens in the story UNLESS IT CONNECTS TO THE DIRECT QUOTE!
*If you have met with me, work on the issues I brought up with you as you revise.  If you haven’t met with me, you should still be revising, but focus on your self revisions and editing!

*Book Pitch Work Time (at various times throughout the hour, depending on where you and your partner are with the paper)

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday, Jan. 13 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Work time on Books with Friends Book Pitch (20 min)
*Writer’s Workshop/Writing Conferences
*PUT YOUR THESIS AS THE FIRST SENTENCE OF YOUR PAPER (unless you have written an intro, in which case, the thesis should be the last line of the intro)
*At the end of today, you SHOULD be done with rough draft of the body: I will be looking through the papers that have been shared with me TODAY/over the weekend
*You need to self edit.  I am not able to read through your whole paper, looking for grammar/spelling/punctuation –YOU NEED TO DO THIS!!!!!
*Have someone else read your paper and help you out. 
*You need to take the time to critically look at your paper, checking for analysis vs. summary, depth of analysis, fluency and word choice specifically

*Make sure you take a look at the body paragraph and intro examples shared with you!!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thursday, Jan. 12 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Summary vs. Analysis –find this handout and re-read it
*If I’m not here when class starts, do this, then work on your paper or presentation…I will be back ASAP
*Work on Body paragraphs
*Remember to follow TIQA while writing, or at least remember to analyze each quote –explain why/how it proves your point
*Each body paragraph should have at least 2 quotes with in-text citations. 
*No first person pronouns! (unless in a direct quote)
*If you finish your body paragraphs, work on your introduction
*Intro and Conclusion talk
*Introduction needs: attention getter, necessary information(selection titles, authors and eras) and your thesis (hopefully your main theme is in your thesis)
*Books with Friends work time

*If you and your partner haven’t worked on this in a bit and you have a few paragraphs of the rough draft done, I would suggest working on this for a chunk of time

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wednesday, Jan. 11 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Things to remember/think about during Writer’s Workshop time
*Today you should be finishing your outline (if you haven’t yet) and then starting the rough draft of your body paragraphs
*Each body paragraph point on the outline should have at least 2 quotes with in-text citations. 
*Your goal is to fully prove your complete thesis with in-depth analysis for BOTH stories: you should be proving a similar theme, potentially other similarities, and contrasting the stories either only through era characteristics, or also through theme treatment
*Most of the papers will have the comparing be the theme and the contrasting be the era specifics, but the strongest papers will go more in-depth on both the theme and the era (potentially similarities and differences for both)
*Work on Body paragraphs
*Remember to follow TIQA while writing, or at least remember to analyze each quote –explain why/how it proves your point
*Each body paragraph should have approx. 2 quotes with in-text citations.
*Discuss ACT ‘investigation’
*BwF work time (if/when you have some body paragraphs written)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday, Jan. 10 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Outline Reminders
*OMM Big Ideas Assessment –print out if typed
*Perspective Journals collected at beginning of the hour tomorrow!
*Writer’s Workshop
*Finish looking through the story, taking notes on how each shows themes, what literary ideas come up, how each shows its era (LOOK AT YOUR NOTES, I WILL NOT TELL YOU THE ERAS’ CHARACTERISTICS) –
*You should be done taking notes (re-reading, highlighting, actual notes) by middle of class today (at latest)
*Share a document (ON GOOGLE DOCS, if you haven’t/are making your outline on a different document) with me that is or will be your outline (Thesis through body paragraph section is what is due today/beginning of tomorrow).
*Outline: if it isn’t done, it becomes EXTREMELY IMPORTANT homework.
*BwF Project time (if time)

Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday, Jan. 9 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Perspective Journals due Wednesday: should have 1-16, 17-31, 31-53, 53-65, 66-83, 84-end {full page} (or 84-98 and 99-end)
*Share best points with large group (from Friday)
*End of book discussion with small group
*End of Book Questions (back of the sheet from Friday)
*Foreshadowing, Figurative Language, Symbolism, and Tragic Hero (talk about these things)
*Work on questions, post in at least two literary terms notes (foreshadowing, similes, metaphors, symbols, personification), answer tragic hero question, add to big idea notes
*Big Idea Notes Sheet: Make sure for American Dream and one of your other two big ideas that you have a theme connected to that idea and two pieces of textual evidence that show each one perfectly (WITH PAGE NUMBER): this should all be written on your Big Idea sheet (which you will use tomorrow and I will collect/check. 
*Open NOTE assessment, NOT open book
*Thesis and Note-Taking
*Work on figuring out theme/thesis, taking notes, and starting the outline
*Thesis check: your rough draft thesis must be checked by the end of the end of the hour at the latest (rough draft thesis most likely will change)

*Final Paper thesis check and work time (paper or Book Pitch)

Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday, Jan. 6 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Collect BwF Journals
*ACT Test Exploration -discussion on Monday
*With the same small group, work on discussing and then jotting down answers to questions (1-8), especially questions 5 and 7 on sheet then add your opinions on these questions: Why doesn’t Curley’s wife get a name? What could Steinbeck be saying by not giving Curley’s wife a name but giving the cathouse runners names? Or is it just trying to make something out of nothing that she has no name and they do? Explain why you think what you do.
*Add this to the ‘power’ question (8) on sheet: Why does Curley’s wife verbally attack Crooks the way she does at the end of section 4?
-Large group discussion on sheet (as well as the end of the book) on Monday
*Work Time:
*BwF or Final Paper (thesis due on Monday) or Read for Hwk

*Homework: Read Section 5 and 6: finish book for Monday; Perspective journal: either half page for 5 and half for 6 (switching perspectives), or full page for both together (one person’s perspective)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thursday, Jan. 5 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Big Idea Discussion
*With small group, go through the big idea sheet and discuss where the different ideas have been seen (start with Am. Dream, be specific, page numbers/textual evidence always helpful). Take a look at Schoology to see if as a group you are missing any –also look through the conflict and lit. device folders
*Assessment on OMM coming soon (best guess=Tuesday)
*This will focus on the Big Ideas tied to THEMES and Textual Evidence
*Section 3 Quiz
*Journal Entry on 53-65 (#4)
*Intro to Final
*you should know of what stories you are analyzing and have copies of them by tomorrow (end of block)
*Rough Draft Thesis due by middle of block on Monday
*Add your name to the list with the titles of the stories you are writing about (if you need a copy, talk to me)
*More time for Book Pitch work/planning??
*Homework: Read Section 4 (66-83)
*Perspective journal on all of 4 (can be Lennie, Crooks, Candy –George isn’t in the section till end of 4, so don’t pick him).  All perspective journals will be collected next Tuesday/Wednesday.

*Perspective Journal #5 (66-83)

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday, Jan. 4 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Gothic Story Writer’s Workshop Time –story due tomorrow!
*Book Pitch Introduction
*With same small group from yesterday, talk and write about the following: 
*George says that guys like them, who work on ranches are “the loneliest guys in the world” (Steinbeck 13).  What is his reasoning behind the statement?  Do you agree? Why/why not? How does the idea of “belonging” relate to this statement and Lennie and George’s relationship and their position in life so far?
*Read through everything that has been posted so far on Schoology
*Big Idea Discussion: talk about what you have traced for big ideas so far and then as a group, post a specific detail or piece of textual evidence (with page number) to three of the big idea boards on Schoology
*Conflict Types and examples with your group, then post to the boards on Schoology (not just char. Name vs. char. Name, but names with how that specific conflict is playing out)
*If time, start writing your perspective journal (31-53)

*Homework: Finish perspective journal on 31-53, Read 53-66

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tuesday, Jan. 3 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Before you grab the quiz, work on the bullet points on the white board –grab the quiz when you’ve finished (all quizzes need to be started by: ) –two perspective journals should be completed at this point (1-17, 17-31)
*Pgs 1-31 Quiz: Discussion after all are finished
*Similes, Metaphors, Personification, Foreshadowing, Symbols –notes for these will be online, so maybe mark (annotate) where you see them and then add to online notes during small group discussions
*Start reading OMM again –stop on page 43 (ain’t doin’ no harm)
*Discussion on pages 1-43
*Homework: Section 3 start on page 43 read to page 53 (“the door opened”)
*Things to pay attention to when reading: Big idea examples, any examples of symbols, similes, metaphors, personification, foreshadowing, and conflicts
*journal entry on 30-53 (can do tomorrow after the WN entry)
*Conflicts: come up with examples of how each type of conflict is seen while or after reading to prepare for discussion tomorrow

*BwF Journal due Friday!!