Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday, March 11 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: In your writer’s notebook, explain this proverb: “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose”
*Discuss 33-36 writing questions down while discussing for whole group at end of partner discussion time: make sure you both understand what he is talking about
*Big Ideas to Discuss (and fully understand): Hale’s experience with witchcraft, the use of the devil (especially in politics and connecting his ideas on the Red Scare), the devil before Christianity, witchcraft in Salem (in Miller’s opinion)
*Finish Act 1: 36-46
*Add to character details and relationships; add to focus points
*Why do the girls accuse?
*Add to your notes sheet!!
*Motivation –girls and how are those other than the girls motivated?
*Reputation –who is concerned with rep, how?
*Hysteria –who contributes, who calms?
*All of the rest…
*A1 Quiz with Part 2 of Intro Quiz (details from 33-36):TOMORROW


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