Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6

*Bell Ringer: Questions on “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
*Bring up answers and the paragraphs from yesterday to get checked
*Discuss annotations
*With partner, who is audience, what is purpose, what is tone, what is mood (connotative words that show tone and mood)
*Intro to Crucible
*Anticipatory Set discussion
*Salem Witch Trial notes, Red Scare basic info
*Read Historical note and pg 3-8
*Historical note- While reading, pay attention to things he changed from history: we will discuss this once all are done
*Paraphrase (give details in own words) in writing section your section of the intro Miller gives before the play begins

**Provide an example of figurative language used in the sermon that illustrates God’s wrath (metaphor, simile)?
*Why haven’t we (the audience of the sermon) already been destroyed?
*How does Reverend Edwards express the Puritans’ belief in predestination and/or original sin?
*Bring these answers and your paragraphs from yesterday up to me to get checked when done

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