Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Patrick Henry Speech Discussion

Discuss all of your annotations on this reading.  This is what you were told to read for:
1)      Three rhetorical questions and the assumed answers from the speech.  Why include these questions?  Example: “Is this the part of wise men…? ” -- he wants listeners to think that, no, wise men search for freedom with open eyes, seeing truth.
·         Look at these specific places and discuss: What is the implied answer and why does he ask it?
·         *Line 17-20, 24-27, 30-32, 41-45, 63-68, 83-84
2)      Allusion: find another mention of a literary/historical/biblical event.  Any thoughts as to why it would be included? Take a guess…
3)      How does this fit in the topic (the individual and society)?
4)      How do you see themes of independence or freedom in this speech? (Themes of the era)

Once you have talked through all of these, post as a comment in Schoology your groups answers to each of these (there are separate discussion threads for each):
1)      Pick an allusion your group understands and explain why you feel Patrick Henry included it
2)      Post your best pieces of Textual Evidence on:
·         Freedom/Independence
·         Individual and Society
3)      What is the implied answer and why does he ask it?
·         Line 17-20 (1s group)
·         Line 24-27 (2s group)
·         Line 30-32 (3s group)
·         Line 41-45 (4s group) 
·         Line 63-68 (5s group) 
·         Line 83-84 (6s group)

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