Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Walden and Civil Disobedience

Once your group has discussed your ideas, and each of you has written notes down on your worksheet, one of you needs to post your information/answers as a comment to this post.
*3 Aphorisms (short saying or pointed statement {Direct Quote}) and 3 Main Ideas of the selection assigned (2 groups, one for each selection) (1=Walden, 2=Civil Disobedience)
*Pros and Cons that Thoreau would have about today’s society/America (3) (6)
*Thoreau’s guide (steps) to living the ‘simple life’ (4)

*Thoreau’s guide to politics/life in an American Society (5)

For pros/cons, aim for about 4 each side.
For the guide, aim for 7 or so 


  1. Group 6: Danielle, Nicholas, Paul, Maddie
    Pros/Cons Thoreau would have about today's society/America
    -People protest against laws they don't like
    -Don't falsely imprison any people
    -Many individuals have their own opinions
    -Personal motivation has increased
    -Laws don't overpower humanity
    -Laws follow most morals
    -Not living a simple life
    -Materialism (technology)
    -Everyone doesn't value nature the same
    -Many people don't believe in God and Enlightenment
    -Government doesn't encourage citizens to reform
    -Still some conformity in our society

  2. The guide to a simple life:
    -Only do what is necessary.
    -Be connected with nature.
    -Be one with nature and close with it.
    -Live for yourself, not others.
    -Relax. Don't work yourself if it's not necessary.
    -Find God in nature.
    -Slow down and take everything in. Just live.
    Kajsa, Emily, Genna, Jared

  3. Thoreau's guide to politics/life in an American society (Hallie, Kayla, Jordyn, Claire)
    There should be less government control and more freedom for the citizens.
    Citizens should follow their consciences rather than conform to the majority of society.
    The government's leaders should be willing to listen to the concerns of its citizens and should be accepting of reform.
    If citizens stand up for what they believe in, they can form movements and make changes.
    It should be easier for citizens to speak to leaders of the government and easier for changes to be made to laws.
    The government needs new ways to punish those who oppose, and should be more accepting of opposing views.

  4. 3 Aphorisms:
    - "I say, let your affairs be as two or three and not a hundred or a thousand" (44-45).
    - "Let us spend one day as deliberately as nature" (87).
    - "Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads" (143-144).
    3 Main Ideas
    - Live with less to lead a simple life.
    - Spending time in solitude can expand your knowledge.
    - Yesterday may have been bad but today can be good.
    Group 1 Jacob, Cohl, Olivia, Matt

  5. Austin, Avery, Rhiana, Tessah
    -People are trying to fight for what they believe in by going against the social norms
    -There is less unfair taxes than when he was imprisoned for not paying his Poll Tax
    -There is more national parks
    -Recycling and Green Energy
    -People are just following whoever is in power
    -Government has gained power
    -People are less in contact with nature, due to technology
    -Less self-reliant, more reliant on technology
    -People are attached to material success over spiritual

  6. Main Ideas:
    Government is bad
    Prison is not necessarily bad
    Government is easily abused

    "That Government is best which governs least"
    "Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison"
    If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man"
    Mark, Shayna, Dakota, Nick K
