Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday, April 28 Agenda

*Work Time for Explication of Poems
*Read through one time.
*Figure meanings of unknown words, think/write questions, comments, thoughts about the poem.
*Read again.
*Is there a rhyme scheme? What is it? Repetition? Figurative language? What poetic devices? Annotate the poem, marking these and ideas (all poetic devices and structural details).
*Read a third time.
*What are some possible meanings? What happens in it? What parts of the poem make you think what you do about it? (Annotate the textual evidence for the meanings)
*Connect to the author’s life/bio (find specific lines to show)
*Where is the author’s voice seen?
*How does the poem show the American Voice? What aspect of American Voice is it demonstrating?

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