Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday, Sept. 20 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: 10 min for “Rabbit Boy” Questions –bring to me when done
*Writer’s Workshop Time
*Complete story, typed, with MANY different MYTH CHARACTERISTICS worked in
*Due Tuesday
*If you feel you have a solid story, with MANY characteristics, read your book
*Hero Myth Characteristics:
*Heroes can be divine or just an ordinary human
*Heroic acts will benefit the tribe-sometimes obtaining an important ritual for the tribe
*Hero sometimes goes on a quest
*Trickster Myth Characteristics:
*Characters such as coyote, iktome (spider like creature), rabbit and other animals
*Are troublemakers, but present challenges and learning experiences
*Trickster is often self-centered and mischievous, with much energy
*Use of Figurative Language:
*Realism Presentation
*Native American Cultural Representations today (packet, questions on slide –questions due Tuesday)
*Non-fiction on reservation life
          AIAN stands for American Indian and Alaskan Native

Answer these questions on a sheet in your reader’s notebook/class notes section.  They will be checked Tuesday.
1. What do you believe is the importance of the “educational attainment” data from the first two graphs (Educational Attainment of overall population and AIAN) when interpreting the information and graphs that follow?
2. Write a summary of the data/findings given.  Should be 3-5 sentences.

3. Based on the graphs and information you read, write a detailed explanation of life on the reservation. (1-2 paragraphs)

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