Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"The Lottery" Blog Posts

Create a comment and post your response to these three prompts.
1.       Would you have imagined that much of an emotional response from people based on the story? Why, yes or no?
2.       What is your reaction to the end of her ‘biography’?

3.       Respond to this quote:
“Explaining just what I had hoped the story to say is very difficult. I suppose, I hoped, by setting a particularly brutal ancient rite in the present and in my own village to shock the story's readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general inhumanity in their own lives.” –Shirley Jackson


  1. 1. I didn't think people would get so emotional about the story, sending hate letters to the writer. It is just a story, she didn't write it about real life or anything. She just wanted people to think about it in a deep way. People were thinking that the writer was serious about the story and killing people in it. She didn't even know the true meaning of it, she just thought of the idea.
    2.She was very surprised that during the first summer, she received pretty much all hate mail. Now that her story is more popular, people like it and it has been interpreted in many different ways. It is crazy that people actually asked where the lotteries were held, because they thought they were real.
    3. She is saying that she doesn't even know the true meaning of the story. She then goes on to show that people were taking part in the lotteries simply because it was a tradition, it was very pointless violence. She wants people to open their eyes and see what they are really doing.
    -Alyssa Swenson

  2. 1. I don't think there would be because it's a story that was created to make readers think in a different perspective and in a deeper meaning.
    2. My reaction was how cruel people can be and how life isn't fair. I feel "the lottery" showed that in how it wasn't fair for Mrs. Hutchinson for getting a piece of paper drawn and she was the one to suffer the consequences.
    3. She is saying that she hoped to open the readers eyes to a pointless violence and compare that with what society is today

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