Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday, May 26 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: With small group, go through the big idea sheet and discuss where the different ideas have been seen (start with Am. Dream, be specific, page numbers/textual evidence always helpful).
*With the same small group, work on discussing and then jotting down answers to questions (1-8), especially questions 5 and 7 on sheet then add your opinions on these questions: Why doesn’t Curley’s wife get a name? What could Steinbeck be saying by not giving Curley’s wife a name but giving the cathouse runners names? Or is it just trying to make something out of nothing that she has no name and they do? Explain why you think what you do.
*Add this to the ‘power’ question (8) on sheet: Why does Curley’s wife verbally attack Crooks the way she does at the end of section 4?
*Assessment on OMM coming soon (best guess=Thursday)
*Share best points with large group
*Read Section 5 and 6
*Perspective journal: either half page for 5 and half for 6 (switching perspectives), or full page for both together (one person’s perspective)

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