- Bell Ringer: Blogging then Whitman Stuff
- Modern Era Review –Modern Era Reminders (look at your notes and the highlighted parts especially of the slides shared through Classroom). As I talk about points, add to notes on Modern Era poetry
- Movements of Modern Era poetry: Notes and group work
- Read all poems together, then:
- With your partner/group, plan if any research needs to be done before you present, then do it if necessary
- Work time on poems: you will TEACH them in after break–You need a marked up poem that you will display using the document cam OR an online marked up copy (and make sure each person can explain different aspects)
- Annotate, teach (explain in detail) anything/everything you think needs explaining, meanings (literal and figurative), poetic devices, background, connection to Modern Era and poetic movements
- Current Poets Research Introduction: Look at the assignment sheet (also shared with you through Classroom)
- Go to blog for example
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Tuesday, Nov. 26 Agenda
Monday, Nov. 25 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Discuss the annotations you made for “Song of Myself” with partner
- “Oh Captain! My Captain!” pg 375 (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/45474)
- Analysis of what is the literal level, what is the figurative level (like with “Because I could not stop…”)
- In WN: What do you think are some stylistic (format, structure, conventions) and ideological (beliefs, views, etc) similarities and differences between Dickinson (talked about her last week) and Whitman? Please list as many as you can think of, if you want to do a Venn diagram or a chart, that’s fine.
- Discuss and note check “O Captain”, “Song of Myself”, and Whitman and Dickinson WN entry- large group (tomorrow when Mrs. J is back)
- Comment Response time: make sure if someone write a comment to you with a question or statement that needs a response, that you reply to what they are saying
- Communication Rubric (shared with you in Classroom)
- Blogging About Literature Mid-Point Monday (4 posts up and comments on at least 8 other blog posts), so use time if you have it
Friday, November 22, 2019
Friday, Nov. 22 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: “Because I could not stop…” discussion
- Anne Bradstreet –Notes
- “Upon the Burning of Our House” pg 118 and “Author to her Book”
- Previous slide
- Discussion of Bradstreet Poems
- With group, discuss all. Be prepared to share one non-repeated, insightful annotation for each category: meanings; Puritan characteristics; poetic devices/structure
- Walt Whitman
- “Song of Myself” pg 368
- How see Romantic/Transcend characteristics? Meanings (Literal/figurative)? Examples of his style? Poetic Devices/Structure?
- Romantics/Transcendentalists –emotion over reason, individual over society, common people over aristocracy, freedom over control, nature over human works.
- How does Whitman’s poem (sections 6, 31, 32) show this?
- Why does a child ask about the grass? How can childhood be connected to Romanticism?
- What could grass symbolize? (multiple things, quotes that show)
- What is he saying about death?
- How does Whitman’s work use parallel structure (repetition of grammatical structure)?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Wednesday, Nov. 20 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Editing of timed essay (using ‘suggesting’ mode on google drive): need by tomorrow (if 20 min isn’t enough)
- Discuss: Can high schoolers ever truly follow Transcendental ideas? Be specific on which ideas (think Emerson) or acts (think Thoreau) they can or can’t follow and why you think that. Don’t think of adults, think of you and your peers…
- Walden/”Civil Disobedience” Discussion (How are Thoreau’s beliefs echoed today? Can society actually function by following Transcendentalism?)
- Find your poetry terms sheet, read through to remind yourself of all of the ideas we look for in poetry (we will be looking at poetry for a few days, so if you aren’t sure on definitions, check different resources as well): Also, poetry analysis/annotation handout.
- Emily Dickinson p546 (take notes on this info in your Realism Era notes)
- Read ‘author’s style’ pg 547 (add any definitions to poetry terms sheet, if necessary)
- Read through and do a quick annotation of the poems in the packet. Once you’ve read and quickly annotated them all, pick four. For those four, make sure your annotations are very detailed and you have a solid understanding of different ideas within the poem.
- Post 3 due tomorrow
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Tuesday, Nov. 19 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: In Writer’s Notebook: If society values conformity over individualism, why do nonconformists seem to have the greatest impact on society? Why can nonconformists change society so radically (think of Caesar, Jesus, Martin Luther, MLK Jr., etc)? Who are some nonconformists that are impacting our culture today? Be prepared to share your answer to at least one of the above questions in discussion.
- Finish reading Walden sections and then read your blogging book when done
- Discussion of WN entry (society values conformity…)
- Thoreau continued
- “Civil Disobedience” 390, read some together
- Annotation Directions:
- FOR BOTH: Note details that show any and all Transcendental ideals/beliefs
- Especially simplifying, individuality, and nature related ideas (Walden specific)
- Note details of Thoreau’s beliefs on government (Civil Dis)
- BOTH: How do we see Thoreau’s personal life contributing to his essays
- BOTH: Things that Thoreau is against
Monday, November 18, 2019
Monday, Nov. 18 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Individual and Society Essay
- 40 minutes
- Make sure to prove all ‘I cans’ and analyze to prove your thesis
- The prompt is shared on Google Classroom, you are typing yours and making sure it is in the Google Classroom Assignment
- Emerson Discussion
- Main Ideas of sections (and quick discussion)
- How can we still see echoes of Emerson today? BE SPECIFIC
- Thoreau Notes
- Nature Journal: (extra credit: send me a picture of you in nature working on your nature journal for me to post on my blog)
- Thoreau from Walden pg 382 line 24 – 383 line 91, “The Pond in Winter” and “Conclusion” stop at line 235 -Due after 20ish minutes tomorrow
- Annotation Directions:
- FOR BOTH: Note details that show any and all Transcendental ideals/beliefs
- Especially simplifying, individuality, and nature related ideas (Walden specific)
- Note details of Thoreau’s beliefs on government (Civil Dis)
- BOTH: How do we see Thoreau’s personal life contributing to his essays
- BOTH: Things that Thoreau is against
Friday, November 15, 2019
Friday, Nov. 15 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Prep for the Essay (45 min): Outline done by Monday for test
- American Voices: start a section of Reader’s Notebook for new topic
- Defn: Ideas, beliefs, authors, styles, etc that contribute to what it means to be American; things that have influenced society to become what it currently is
- In American Voices section: What does it mean to be self-reliant? What does it mean to conform? What is a nonconformist? What are the positive and negative connotations of the words conform and nonconformist?
- Transcendentalist Notes Review:
- Ralph Waldo Emerson notes
- Read Self-Reliance pg 278 (or print out), ?s sheet while you read: Due Monday
- Homework: Emerson, BAL reading/commenting, outline for test on Monday!!
- Read, post, or comment (Blogging About Lit)
- Blog Post #2 should be up already and comments on two individual’s blog should be posted by Monday
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Thursday, Nov. 14 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Answer these questions in Google Classroom:
- What was the author’s purpose of each text?
- How do these men differ on their beliefs about society (and the country) and the individual, or about equality, or anything else? Do they share any beliefs, if so, what?
- For each man, how does their background shape their purpose and beliefs? (think about the bios you read)
- In groups discuss:
- Main Point of “Stride Toward Freedom.” How does his main point and purpose connect?
- Main Point of Malcolm X’s interview. How does his main point and purpose connect?
- Discuss their similar and differing views and lives. Are they more similar or different overall?
- How do they use rhetoric to persuade audience of their views/beliefs/techniques for fighting racial injustice/purpose? Be very specific
- Introduce Final Essay for Individual and Society
- Outlining Time for Individual and Society essay
- If you finish before we move on, read for BaL
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Wednesday, Nov. 13 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Reminders for BAL:
- Post 2 due by Thursday: make sure it has a media component, put the image/gif/etc. next to where you are talking about what you use it for, caption it as well
- Separate ideas into PARAGRAPHS!!
- Comments (on two people’s) were due Monday; reply to what people said on your post
- Ideas from posts on “Harrison Bergeron” (next slide, add to notes if any missing)
- Small Group discussion on “There Will Come Soft Rains…”
- TQE: Post one of each on the whiteboards
- Quick reminder of Civil Rights era
- Bio of MLK 1202, Bio of X 1218: take notes while you read
- MLK and Malcolm X
- “Stride Toward Freedom” pg 1220/packet
- “Necessary to Protect Ourselves” pg 1224/packet
- Annotate to help you answer these questions:
- How do these men differ on their beliefs about society (and the country) and the individual, or about equality, or anything else? Do they share any beliefs, if so, what?
- What was the author’s purpose of each text?
- For each man, how does their background shape their purpose and beliefs? (think about the bios you read)
- Answers to questions above will be written tomorrow
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Tuesday, Nov. 12 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: In Google Classroom. Write a paragraph answering this prompt: Other than the fact that “Harrison Bergeron” fits in the dystopian definition, how can we see Post-Modern characteristics? Give specific pieces of textual evidence to support your answer.
- Work on reading/blogging when done. Remember to reply to comments made to yours that require an answer/response. Also, APPROVE COMMENTS!
- Small Group: take solid notes while discussing
- Google Classroom Post: Post only one thing satirized as a group (try to make it not a repeat of what others have said, or add more detail to their explanation); everyone posts a message and piece of evidence independently
- Detailed, specific answers (with textual evidence) based on your group’s discussion
- “There Will Come Soft Rains” –HOMEWORK
- Annotations: Details showing Dystopia?, Personification, Repetition (specifically of the idea of rain), Individual and Society, General annotations for understanding of text, Create some discussion questions/prompts while reading
Monday, November 11, 2019
Monday, Nov. 11 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Sit with group from Friday! 10 minutes Reading
- Large group on “Yellow Wallpaper”
- WN: Pick one of the words on the board that you believe fits with “The Lottery” and explain how you believe this story shows society’s impact on the individual being the word you chose (again, textual evidence is always a plus).
- Small Group Discussion of “The Lottery” –Read bio of story with group
- Look through Post-Mod/Contemp Notes: How do we see those characteristics? (post in classroom)
- Post at least 2 epiphanies in Classroom
- Literary Concept: Dystopia
- Somewhere in Notes: paraphrase the definition on the previous slide
- Writer’s Notebook: Why would dystopias be a literary concept often used in the Post-Modern era?
- Was “The Lottery” a dystopia? What examples of dystopia can you think of?
- “Harrison Bergeron” add date: 1961
- Annotations/Close read: dystopian characteristics, Post-Modern characteristics, society and individual
- If you finish, reading time (or blogging) for BAL (at any point when you are finished and we haven’t moved on)
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