Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Outline requirements
*At least three main points you are making to prove your thesis
*At least three specific pieces of textual evidence with page numbers (one for each point, minimum)
*A potential thought for an attention getter
*Necessary Information for Intro
*Work on outline if not completed, show me when you have all requirements, then work on BODY PARAGRAPHS FIRST!!
*Crucible Essay Assignment/writer’s workshop time ––first draft (typed –google docs would be best) due Friday (end), editing draft due end Monday, final due after Easter
*Writer’s Workshop Time
*How to write a paragraph: write together
*Support of thesis –direct, logical support in each paragraph –unity in paragraphs
*Development of ideas –specific and logical, fully explains the point
*Meet with me if you have questions on essay

*You will want to have your book that you have chosen to read finished by FRIDAY at the absolute latest: One Pager Presentations begin Tuesday!


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