Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, March 12 Agenda

*Finish Act 1 (pg. 46, same actors as yesterday)
*Turn quiz into basket when done.  Then read John Proctor comments on Schoology and read your own book
*One Pager time: gather materials to work on it, continue reading if you are really far from the end of the book, bounce ideas off of partner (when all are done with quizzes) : I will be checking to see what progress you have made today/where you are in this process
*Act 2 49-57
* Do you think Mary actually felt the way she explains on pg 57? Does she believe what she is telling the Proctors?
*What information does Mary Warren give? What is going on in Salem/the court? –add to trial section of notes
*More on John’s character –specifics from his interaction with Elizabeth throughout act 2(look at stage directions)


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