Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Turn on your computer and print out your body paragraphs if you don’t have a paper copy
*Analysis vs. summary: need to print out a copy first
*You need two colors of highlighters or one highlighter and one colored pencil.
*Highlight everything that you feel is summary in one color, everything that is analysis in another color
Work on changing from first draft to second draft, getting your analysis to be at least two times more than your summary (if not 3), adding more analysis, depth of analysis (not just that it proves your thesis, but WHY and HOW)
*Writer’s Workshop: second draft shared with me by end of block, final due Tuesday the 7th (because of break)
*Intros: Attention getter, Necessary Information (author’s name, title(italics), plot info related to thesis), Thesis
*All need to tie together, need fluency, one idea builds to the other
*Better analysis: tied to topic sentences, fully proving the thesis, take parts of the quote to explain
*Conclusions: restated thesis (new words/order, same idea), re-emphasize arguments (not summarize everything you said), explain ‘so what?’ and possibly tie back to attention getter


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