Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday, April 14 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Look through question sheet with partner, turn in (5 minutes)
*Large group discussion of “There Will Come Soft Rains”
*Quick reminder of Civil Rights era
*Bio of MLK 1202, Bio of X 1218
*MLK and Malcolm X
*“Stride Toward Freedom” pg 1220/packet
*“Necessary to Protect Ourselves” pg 1224/packet
*Annotate to help you answer these questions:
*How do these men differ on their beliefs about society (and the country) and the individual, or about equality, or anything else?  Do they share any beliefs, if so, what?
*What was the author’s purpose of each text?
*For each man, how does their background shape their purpose and beliefs? (think about the bios we read earlier)
*When done, bring questions up to check, then read or journal for BwF

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