Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Note check of Bradstreet, then discussion
*Walt Whitman
*“Oh Captain! My Captain!” pg 375
*Analysis of what is the literal level, what is the figurative level
*Whitman: Note check of “Oh Captain! My Captain”
*“Song of Myself” pg 368
*With a partner, analyze sections 6, 31 and 32 by thinking about and taking notes on these topics/questions:
—*Romantics/Transcendentalists –emotion over reason, individual over society, common people over aristocracy, freedom over control, nature over human works.
¡How does Whitman’s poem (sections 6, 31, 32) show each of these?
¡Why does a child ask about the grass? How can childhood be connected to Romanticism?
—*What could grass symbolize? (multiple things, quotes that show)
—*What is he saying about death?
—*How does Whitman’s work use parallel structure (repetition)?

In WN: What do you think are some stylistic (format, structure, conventions) and ideological (beliefs, views, etc) similarities and differences between Dickinson (talked about her yesterday) and Whitman? Please list as many as you can think of, if you want to do a venn diagram or a chart, that’s fine. 

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