*Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop
*Today you should be finishing your outline (if you haven’t yet) and then starting the rough draft of your body paragraphs
*Each main point on the outline should have at least 2 quotes with in-text citations.
*Your goal is to fully prove your complete thesis with in-depth analysis for BOTH stories: you should be proving a similar theme, potentially other similarities, and contrasting the stories either only through era characteristics, or also through theme treatment
*Most of the papers will have the comparing be the theme and the contrasting be the era specifics, but the strongest papers will go more in-depth on both the theme and the era (potentially similarities and differences for both)
*Work on Body paragraphs
*Remember to follow TIQA while writing, or at least remember to analyze each quote –explain why/how it proves your point
*Each body paragraph should have approx. 2 quotes with in-text citations.
*End of book discussion with small group
*Share annotations from Wednesday night/yesterday (if you didn’t finish yesterday)
*Steinbeck’s craft of writing (Foreshadowing, Figurative Language, Symbolism, Tragic Hero, structure of novel, purpose of characters, effects of conflicts, etc.) -talk about these things, maybe use some for your Es
*Post TQE for end of book –sections 5 and 6 or book overall (on the white boards)
*Make sure for American Dream and one of your other two big ideas that you have a theme connected to that idea and two pieces of textual evidence that show each one perfectly (WITH PAGE NUMBER)
*Big Idea Notes Sheet:
*To be prepared for the assessment on Tuesday you need:
*A theme (message) about the American Dream shown in the book and a theme (message about one of the other two ideas you traced
*Two pieces of evidence for each theme that you can analyze to develop your theme. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PAGE NUMBERS AND TEXTUAL EVIDENCE WRITTEN DOWN ON A SHEET (CAN BE THE BIG IDEA SHEET OR ANOTHER)