*Bell Ringer: Analysis vs. summary: need to print out a copy of your body paragraphs first
*You need two colors of highlighters or one highlighter and one colored pencil.
*Find the Summary vs. Analysis handout to use as notes (extras in folder if needed)
*Highlight everything that you feel is summary in one color, everything that is analysis in another color
*Meet with me (bring your highlighted copy)
Work on changing from first draft to second draft, getting your analysis to be at least two times more than your summary (for Crucible quote analysis), adding more evidence of current connection, depth of analysis (not just that it proves your thesis, but WHY and HOW)
*Examples of analysis, intros, conclusions (from google drive)
*One Pager Presentations: Michael, Grace, Olivia, Brooke
*Crucible Web: If you were not happy with your evaluation (remember, it is in as an assessment), you can add more connections/more details on the ones you have. If you are doing that, you need to get the corrections/additions AND the rubric in to me by MONDAY! Write in a different color for your additions!
*Symbols: minus (lowest), check (middle), plus (highest); any connection I listed with a typed plus took away from your overall assessment if you missed it