Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday, Oct. 31 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Analysis vs. summary: need to print out a copy of your body paragraphs first
*You need two colors of highlighters or one highlighter and one colored pencil.
*Find the Summary vs. Analysis handout to use as notes (extras in folder if needed)
*Highlight everything that you feel is summary in one color, everything that is analysis in another color
*Meet with me (bring your highlighted copy)
Work on changing from first draft to second draft, getting your analysis to be at least two times more than your summary (for Crucible quote analysis), adding more evidence of current connection, depth of analysis (not just that it proves your thesis, but WHY and HOW)
*Examples of analysis, intros, conclusions (from google drive)
*One Pager Presentations: Michael, Grace, Olivia, Brooke
*Crucible Web: If you were not happy with your evaluation (remember, it is in as an assessment), you can add more connections/more details on the ones you have.  If you are doing that, you need to get the corrections/additions AND the rubric in to me by MONDAY! Write in a different color for your additions!

*Symbols: minus (lowest), check (middle), plus (highest); any connection I listed with a typed plus took away from your overall assessment if you missed it

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday, Oct. 30 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Blogging About Literature intro
*One-Pager presentations (anyone done today)
*Outline and Thesis convo
*Writer’s Workshop time on Crucible and Today body paragraphs

*Make sure at least one body paragraph, if not your complete first draft, is uploaded to Turnitin by the beginning of the block tomorrow

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday, Oct. 25 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Life Lessons of The Crucible: In google classroom create a list of as many “lessons” as you can think of that can be taken from this play: both specific and general/universal.
Google Classroom: upnc124; nvfypkx (class codes)
*The Crucible Act 4
*Pg 121-145
*In your WN: Explain your understanding of John’s actions in Act 4: Why did he decide to confess, then not? Why does Hale say John is willing to hang? What does Elizabeth say?
*Read “Echoes Down the Corridor” (hwk)
*Web due Friday at 4:00, you need to have details (if applicable) from Act 3 and 4
*You should be done with your choice book and working on your One Pager; we will begin talking about the next independent reading requirement in about five school days…
*You will want to have your book that you have chosen to read finished by Friday/Monday at the absolute latest: One Pager Presentations begin next Wednesday/Thursday!

*Homework: Echoes Down the Corridor, WEB!!!, one-pager

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday, Oct. 23 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Finish A3
*In writer’s notebook: What does Proctor risk by claiming he had an affair with Abigail?  What does he gain?  How did the pros outweigh the cons in this situation and ‘make’ him admit it?
*What does John Proctor mean when he says, “God is dead!” (end of act 3)? Why does he say it at this point? What does the rest of his speech to those in the court mean (pg 120)? What do others think he means?  Discuss with partner, jot down notes
*Act 3 Quiz
*When done, put on stool, then work on your web (remember, it is an assessment [not just a quick homework assignment])
*Instead of an Act 4 quiz, we will have the web (for plot and character motivations) and a 2 page assessment on analyzing quotes, understanding big ideas, analyzing the book as a whole
*On Friday?

*HWK: Web; Book/one pager

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday, Oct. 18 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Post your ‘other emotion’ paragraph in Schoology
*If needed, finish your motivation explanations (jealousy, fear, love, additional emotion); work on web, reading, or one-pager
*Act 3 95-109
*Why is Mary so afraid?
*Read ‘Other Motivations’ on Schoology
*Work on your web (it is due on Friday (next week), read your independent book, or work on your one pager

*Act 3 Quiz Monday (after we finish the act)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday, Oct. 17 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Tangled Web Reminder
*Web due next Friday, you need to have details from all acts, including Act 3 and 4
*Act 2 Quiz –turn in to stool by side board when done
*Work on web, read book, work on one-pager when done
*Crucible Act 3
*Why is Mary so afraid?
*Explain how these feelings have motivated people in the play The Crucible: Jealousy, Fear, Love, Additional Emotions (you need to pick one emotion that isn’t listed and explain how it motivates). Be detailed and try to look beyond the obvious as well (Full paragraph on Additional Emotion, details for each of the other 3). –the additional emotion paragraph will be posted on Thursday (Schoology)

*Own book –finish it before the end of the quarter, in the week and a half we’ll be starting a different reading requirement…

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday, Oct. 16 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Think of Rev. Hale’s change from the beginning (pg 36) to Act 2 (re-read his entrance to A2 (pg 62) and how he acts/what he says at the end).  Why has his manner/appearance changed?  Did he want to find witchcraft in Salem when he arrived? What does he feel about the trials now? What evidence in act 2 backs up your opinions and/or shows a possible change? –Write the evidence at least (direct quotes and pg #)
*Focus Points Discussion and more:
*What happened with Abigail and the doll? Did Mary know what Abby was going to do? What makes you say this?
*Discuss John’s comments on pg 77: What does he mean, what does this show about him? Discuss all parts, translate every part (write it down)
*Pontius Pilate? Why?
*Pg 79 Hale’s speech interpretation (write it down)
*What about what Hale said affected John most? Why? What does he think about himself?
*Re-read John’s last lines in A2 (pg 80-81)- Interpret what he means by that. (write it)
*Talk about what you’ve seen as examples of different focus points (add to reputation/pride, hysteria, trial, etc if you didn’t while reading)
*Discuss answer for A2 S2
*Act 2 Quiz tomorrow
*Tangled Web Explanation
*Tangled Web assignment, due Friday next week (use either “connected mind” on google chrome, or to make a map on the computer)

*Own book –finish it soon and work on your one-pager, in the next week and a half or so we’ll be starting a different reading requirement…

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday, Oct. 15 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Act 2
* Do you think Mary actually felt the way she explains on pg 57? Does she believe what she is telling the Proctors?
*What information does Mary Warren give? What is going on in Salem/the court? –add to trial section of notes
*John and Elizabeth’s Relationship –write about it in Character Motivation section of Focus Points
*More on John’s character –specifics from his interaction with Elizabeth throughout act 2(look at stage directions)
*Focus Points: Trial, Motivations, Hysteria, Empowerment
*Focus Points Discussion and more:

*What happened with Abigail and the doll? Did Mary know what Abby was going to do? What makes you say this?
*Act 2 quiz (tomorrow)
*Scene 2 (pg 148) –read on own –done by tomorrow
*in WN: What was the author’s purpose in writing the scene (Act 2 Scene 2)? Why has this scene been cut out of basically all performances of The Crucible? What do readers/viewers gain from the possible addition of the scene, what do they lose/why is it unnecessary? Need min. two full paragraphs.  Give multiple reasons.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Friday, Oct. 12 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Discuss 33-36 writing questions down while discussing for whole group at end of partner discussion time: make sure you both understand what he is talking about
*Big Ideas to Discuss (and fully understand): Hale’s experience with witchcraft, the use of the devil (especially in politics and connecting his ideas on the Red Scare/communism), the devil before Christianity, witchcraft in Salem (in Miller’s opinion)
*A1 Quiz with Part 2 of Intro Quiz (details from 33-36)
*When done with quiz:
*Read through Proctor Reactions on Schoology (or post yours if you haven’t); add details to Focus Points sheet
*One Pager Reminder
*11ish (counting today) school days until one pager presentations

*Act 2 49-53
*Write down some of your thoughts for one pager or read while waiting for all to finish
*What is going on in Salem/the court? –add to trial section of notes
*John and Elizabeth’s Relationship –write about it in Character Motivation section of Focus Points
*More on John’s character –specifics from his interaction with Elizabeth throughout act 2(look at stage directions)
*Focus Points: Trial, Motivations, Hysteria, Empowerment

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday, Oct. 11 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
*Contrast the beliefs/actions of the Putnams vs Rebecca Nurse
*Finish Acting out Act 1 (28-48)
*Add to character details and relationships; add to focus points
*Motivation –girls and how are those other than the girls motivated? Why do the girls accuse (Abigail, Betty, Tituba)?
*Dynamic Character: John will be one we watch, details of him at beginning (Schoology post); also Hale
*Hysteria –who contributes, who calms?
*All of the rest
*Character and Relationships Brainstorming (alone or with partner): I’d suggest jotting a few notes (not for the quiz, but for future benefit)
*Read Miller’s explanations on pages 33-36 writing questions, important ideas, relationship details, etc. down while reading to talk about with partner at intervals: you can pause at different points for discussion with partner

*Act 1 Quiz tomorrow

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday, Oct. 10 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Read posts on Schoology and comment on at least one (answer a question, add your opinion, etc)
*Independent Reading –One Pager presentations start on Oct. 30/31
*Crucible Act 1
*Small Group Discussion on 8-21: TQE*Thoughts, Questions, Epiphanies…  use the question guide to help, then this list
*Discuss the questions members of your group had, attempt to answer them as a group or come up with possible answers –take a look at all of the other questions on Schoology and discuss them –post your most pressing question you still have on Schoology
*Go through the rest of the annotations, discuss if others had the same reactions
*Discuss the points that you believe are important and should be remembered –again, check Schoology
*Add to the Focus Points sheet, what do you see from 8-21 that could fit into any of those categories (remember, page numbers will help later)
*Discuss these ideas if you haven’t yet: Is Betty really sick? What’s up with Abigail? What does Parris care most about? What is Abigail’s claim about Betty at this point? What do we know so far about Mrs. Putnam? Who is Mary Warren?

*Review 18-20-girls’ motivation: write this on Focus Points
*Read 21-28 (top) together
*Add to character details and relationships; add to focus points
*Motivation –girls and how are those other than the girls motivated? Why do the girls accuse (Abigail, Betty, Tituba)?
*Reputation –who is concerned with rep, how?
*Hysteria –who contributes, who calms?
*All of the rest…
*Schoology Discussion: What is John Proctor like so far?  Possible Topics: his character, actions, possible motivations as well as your opinion of him.

*Since everyone will be commenting, only make one observation as well as commenting on your opinion of him.  This way we won’t have too much repetition (THIRD BLOCK: MAKE TWO)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday, Oct. 9 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Finish notes:
*Arthur Miller Stuff
*Focus Points
*Paraphrase explanations:
*First meet with the other holders of your number- make sure that you have all details needed (I’ll be coming around to check that you have done your work): Post your groups’ notes on the Schoology page
*Each group needs 5 people, one from each section
*Pull up each section’s notes on Schoology and have the person responsible for that explain it if necessary
*Open notes does not mean open computer…so write down the big ideas you feel you may need for the quiz
*Intro Quiz (open notes, not open book or computer): on stool when done, then read your independent reading book
*Begin reading Act 1: 3-21 (top of 21, before Mary talks to John): start together, finish on own
*You need at least 8 annotations based on the characters, plot, themes, historical details, literary concepts, questions you have, etc. from these pages (aim for more)
*Add examples to focus points as you read too (they count as annotations)

*Schoology Post: -homework (post your ideas and comment on at least one other classmate’s post) Post at least one question and one important piece of information that you have about the beginning of Act 1.  

Monday, October 8, 2018

Monday, Oct. 8 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: One Pager Rubric and reminder (Presentations in 17 school days –counting today)
*Analysis vs. Summary handout
*15 minutes to finish essay
*Questions on “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
*Lit Concept: Repetition for Emphasis (when words or images or ideas are repeated to make a point) skim (Sinners in the Hands…) and highlight (in a different color) for this and think of why (what is the point being made/emphasized)
*Discuss annotations: TQE
*With partner, who is audience (specific, not just congregation), what is purpose, what is tone, what is mood (connotative words that show tone and mood), where are specifics that connect to Puritan notes/characteristics
*Intro to Crucible
*Salem Witch Trial notes
*Read Historical note and pg 3-8
*Paraphrase (give details in own words) in writing section your section of the intro Miller gives before the play begins

*1: Top of 3 –pg 4 “…more upon prayer.”
*2: pg 4 “Which is not…” – pg 5 “…homage to God.”
*3: pg 5 “For these reasons,…” – pg 6 “…their frustrations.”
*4 pg 6 “The Salem…” – pg 7 “…greater individual freedom.”
*5 pg 7 “When one rises…” – pg 8 “…general revenge.”

Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday, Oct. 5 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Next Topic: The Individual and Society
*Preview Discussion: What do you think this topic means? Any ideas of what could be covered from your expert era?
*Preview Images and predictions
*Review of era Main Ideas
*Explain Sinners,
*Take out/print Outline for essay
*“Cultural Encounters and Frontiers” Essay
*If you need more than the 40 minutes, mark where you were at the end of time and then finish your essay
*Remember, this is a test.  Check through for all of the objectives on the screen/on the essay prompt sheet.
*Read and annotate “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

*Due Monday

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday, Oct. 4 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Work time on planning essay: need text, message, and options for textual evidence
*Outline Example -see Google Drive for outline shared with you
*Outline Creation
*Outline check (if you don’t have TEXTUAL EVIDENCE, you NEED IT!!! Not just summaries…) –outline must be shared with me, I will check it again if asked
*Read choice book if you have a complete outline and are prepared for the essay tomorrow

*Remember, there is a one pager due on that you will present to the class

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wednesday, Oct. 3 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Finish Pocahontas
*Discuss with partner what you think about how the tribe feels? Then discuss: Is there a bias in the movie? What? How can you tell?
*Bias- A personal, sometimes unreasoned judgment; prejudice; bent
Answer two of the History vs. Fiction prompts as comment on my blog
*Discuss with neighbor what you feel is the message about ‘cultural encounters and frontiers’ that General History and Pocahontas show?
*ACT Writing Discussion: Three perspectives on/messages of Cultural Encounters shown by the texts we read (ALL or a majority)
Final Topic Essay (ACT essay format) Prep: Essay will be Friday