Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday, Feb. 27 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
*ACT TOMORROW!!!  Questions? Concerns?
*Questions on “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
*Lit Concept: Repetition for Emphasis (when words or images or ideas are repeated to make a point) –re-read (Sinners in the Hands…) and highlight (in a different color) for this and why (what is the point being made/emphasized)
**Overall Questions:
*Provide an example of figurative language used in the sermon that illustrates God’s wrath (metaphor, simile)?
*Why haven’t we (the audience of the sermon) already been destroyed?
*How does Reverend Edwards express the Puritans’ belief in predestination and/or original sin?
*Bring these answers and the annotated text up to me to get checked when done
*Read your book while you wait
*Discuss annotations
*With partner, who is audience (specific, not just congregation), what is purpose, what is tone, what is mood (connotative words that show tone and mood), where are specifics that connect to Puritan notes/characteristics
*Intro to Crucible
*Salem Witch Trial notes
*Red Scare basic info
*Focus Points
*Read Historical note and pg 3-8

*Paraphrase (give details in own words) in writing section your section of the intro Miller gives before the play begins
*1: Top of 3 –pg 4 “…more upon prayer.”
*Raven, Grace
*2: pg 4 “Which is not…” – pg 5 “…homage to God.”
*Everett, Quentin
*3: pg 5 “For these reasons,…” – pg 6 “…their frustrations.”
*Olivia, Brock
*4 pg 6 “The Salem…” – pg 7 “…greater individual freedom.”
*Becca, Hauk
*5 pg 7 “When one rises…” – pg 8 “…general revenge.”
*Janessa, Mckenzie

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday, Feb. 24 Agenda

*Explain Sinners, Anticipatory Set (things to work on when done with essay)
*Take out/print Outline for essay
*“Cultural Encounters and Frontiers” Essay
*If you need more than the 40 minutes, mark where you were at the end of time and then finish your essay
*Remember, this is a test.  Check through for all of the objectives on the screen/on the essay prompt sheet.
*Read and annotate “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
*Due Monday

*Anticipatory Set for Crucible. Rate following your own beliefs and ideas –you can use numbers more than once so you don’t have to use all numbers 1-10 –due Monday

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thursday, Feb. 23 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Analysis vs. Summary handout
*Example of analysis done well
*Essay will be on Friday (so we have enough time to do it well)
*Outline check
*Discussion of outlines
*Next Topic: The Individual and Society
*Preview Discussion: What do you think this topic means? Any ideas of what could be covered from your expert era?
*Preview Images and predictions

*Review of Puritan Main Ideas

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday, Feb. 22 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Work Time for Outline if you aren’t done
*Outline check (if you don’t have TEXTUAL EVIDENCE, you NEED IT!!! Not just summaries…) –outline must be shared with me, I will check it this afternoon/tonight
*Read choice book if you have a complete outline and are prepared for the essay Friday

*Remember, there is a one pager due on March 30 that you will present to the class

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday, Feb. 21 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Discuss with neighbor what you feel is the message about ‘cultural encounters and frontiers’ that General History and Pocahontas show?
*ACT Writing Discussion: Three perspectives on/messages of Cultural Encounters shown by the texts we read (ALL or a majority)
*Final Topic Essay (ACT essay format) Prep: Essay will be Friday
*Pick one of the texts that we read in this topic, “Cultural Encounters and Frontiers,” that you believe communicates an important, in-depth message about it (the topic).  What is that message and why do you feel it is important? How do they approach that idea and how do their ideas and words (textual evidence) impact the overall meaning and feeling of the piece?   Connect and compare that message to the three perspectives/messages created as a class.
*How do they show the idea, what message do they give about the topic through their words and how is that proof it is the best example?
Potential Texts: Native American myths, “Trial of Thomas Builds-the-Fire”, Louise Erdrich poem, Simon Ortiz poem (or combine the two poems together), “The Very Brief Relation of the Devastation of the Indes”, “Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano”, “General History of Virginia…”, Pocahontas along with “General History”(can’t just do Pocahontas on own)
*Work time on planning essay: need text, message, and options for textual evidence
*Outline Example
*Outline Creation

*Outline check (if you don’t have TEXTUAL EVIDENCE, you NEED IT!!! Not just summaries…)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday, Feb. 16 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Poetry Discussion
*Discuss John Smith’s General History of Virginia pg 94 Orange
*What changes do you think were made when Smith wrote it, why? (lists of details most likely true and those most likely altered) Is this a true witness account or fiction? Why?(reliable narrator) Why third person narration?
*Look at what he says about self as compared to what he says about others
*What was Smith’s purpose (or purposes) in writing General History… What details are included or possibly taken out that helped accomplish his purpose
*What does Smith’s account say about Pocahontas?
*Notes on Pocahontas
*Disney’s Pocahontas –sections (while watching, notes)
*Think of these questions and be able to discuss them based on the notes you take while watching
*What is true to Smith’s account (General History)?
*What has been changed, added, modified to suit Disney’s purpose and audience?
*What Native American myth characteristics do you see and how?
*How do you think the relations of Pocahontas’ tribe feel about this version? Why?
*Homework: In Writer’s Notebook: Is the media (TV, movies, books, internet, etc) responsible for accuracy?  Do they need to be 100% true accounts if they are using a true event for ‘inspiration’?  How accurate do shows/movies/books/sites need to be?  Support your opinions with details/logical arguments.
*Writer’s Notebook: At some point, you were Disney Animation Studio’s target audience.  Do you feel that at that point in your life, Disney effectively targeted you? Has their message affected the thoughts you have or had or what you ‘know’? Is Disney effective when it comes to getting their message to their target audience? How?

*Discuss both WN Media Entries on Mon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday, Feb. 15 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Messages from de las Casas and Equiano
*Notes on Jamestown and John Smith
*General History of Virginia pg 94 Orange
*What changes do you think were made when Smith wrote it, why? (annotate or lists of details most likely true and those most likely altered) Is this a true witness account or fiction? Why?(reliable narrator) Why third person narration?
*Look at what he says about self as compared to what he says about others
*What was Smith’s purpose (or purposes) in writing General History… What details are included or possibly taken out that helped accomplish his purpose
*What does Smith’s account say about Pocahontas?

*When done, read your independent book!!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday, Feb. 10 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: ACT Prep (slide 7)
*Writer’s Workshop: Peer Evaluation Discussion and Writing Time –final version (and all steps in between) due Tuesday
*Post-Modern and Contemporary Era Notes
*Poetry Brainstorm: Poetic Terms needed this semester
*Louise Erdrich- “I Was Sleeping Where the Black Oaks Move”
*Poet Info: Minnesotan, Chippewa/German-American Ethnicity, writes with characters showing both sides of her ancestry
*Critics say she “has remained true to her Native ancestors’ mythic and artistic visions while writing fiction that candidly explores the cultural issues facing modern-day Native Americans and mixed heritage Americans.”
*Close Read the poem:
*Literal (1st read) and metaphoric (2nd read) meanings
*What poetic terms can we see (3rd read through)
*Connect to myths (characteristics in general)

*Connect to Sherman Alexie (Thomas Builds-the-Fire) (connections in 4th read through)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday, Feb. 9 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Finish Modernism Notes
*Finish discussion and posts from yesterday
*Read through comments online
*Lg. Group Discussion

*Questions on “Trial of Thomas Builds-the-Fire” on Schoology -if questions weren't finished by end of block, finish for HW

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday, Feb. 8 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Modernism Presentation
*ACT Prep (slide 6)
*Writer’s Workshop Time
*Drafting or Peer Eval of Myth
*Second Draft due TOMORROW!!
*Small Group Discussion: I’ll check the close read and answers from yesterday/homework
*Create list of similarities to other myths we read, how does it show Nat Am myth characteristics?
*Discuss other notes
*Discuss metaphor/metaphors
*Discuss things you are confused about: Work together to answer ALL questions or come up with ideas to help you understand the story.
*Come to a group consensus: What is the author’s purpose of this story? What is the author’s attitude towards Thomas Builds-the-Fire? Towards the gov’t/BIA?
*Your group needs to post as a comment to the discussion board on Schoology: your list of characteristics, your answers to the last three questions, and at least three important things you talked about

*Read your book (at any point when you are done and we haven’t moved on): remember, you will be doing a one pager, so if you want to mark interesting ideas, quotes, themes, etc, that would be a good idea.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday, Feb. 7 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Realism Presentation
*Writer’s Workshop time
*Print off your story/share it with me
*Highlight each example of a characteristic that you are using and annotate in the margin/as a comment what specific characteristic that is an example of
*Assess your use of characteristics and narrative (story characteristics): have you done as well as you believe you can? If not: revise what you have, add more details, make sure your characteristics flow within the story, use precise language for your readers to ‘see’ what you want them to, etc.
*Discussion on nonfiction readings with partner to check answers to first three questions
*Sherman Alexie- “The Trial of Thomas-Builds-the-Fire
*While reading, notes on blank sheet or mark up the text:
*How does this share myth characteristics?
*What is the metaphor of the ponies?
*What are you confused about?
*Answer the question about why he told the story of Qualchan

*General understandings about the story 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday, Feb. 6 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: ACT Prep (slide 5)
*10 min for “Rabbit Boy” Questions –bring to me when done
*Writer’s Workshop Time
*Complete story, typed, with MANY different MYTH CHARACTERISTICS worked in
*Due Tuesday
*If you feel you have a solid story, with MANY characteristics, read your book
*Romanticism Notes
*Native American Cultural Representations today (packet, questions on slide –questions due Tuesday)
*Non-fiction on reservation life

*AIAN stands for American Indian and Alaskan Native
*1. What do you believe is the importance of the “educational attainment” data from the first two graphs (Educational Attainment of overall population and AIAN) when interpreting the information and graphs that follow?
*2. Write a summary of the data/findings given.  Should be 3-5 sentences.
*3. Based on the graphs and information you read, write a detailed explanation of life on the reservation. (1-2 paragraphs)

Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday, Feb. 3 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: ACT Prep (slide 4)
*Colonial and Puritan Notes
*“The Voice, Flood, and the Turtle” –time to check 2 questions with partner
*Discussion of Creation Myths
*Continue origin/creation myth, and add in some hero/trickster myth characteristics as well: model it after one of the stories we’ve read, or go your own way.  It needs to have many of the literary characteristics/qualities of myths from our notes
*By Tuesday you need a complete story (typed up) with many different myth characteristics worked in to it.  You will also want to add some hero/trickster characteristics after we talk about those.  You need to be able to identify which characteristics you used and where.
Rabbit Boy”: questions (posted in Schoology) in your reader’s notebook/class notes section: due after 10/15 minutes Monday
1.What trickster, hero and/or general myth characteristics were shown and how (list at least five with examples) –can highlight in the packet and label what characteristic seen
2.What is Rabbit Boy’s reoccurring vision and what might it represent?

3.Why does Rabbit Boy allow Iktome to capture him?  Why did Iktome fail at the same task? 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday, Feb. 2 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: Colonial and Puritan Notes (will go tomorrow)
*Join Schoology: Access code: 9HR49-J8SNK
*Native American myths (If you were here yesterday, add your some of your best ideas to the chart in Schoology [at least one point in each category], if you weren’t here yesterday, start reading and filling out the chart)
*Discussion of “Iroquois Creation” and “World on the Turtle’s Back” tomorrow?
*Myth prompt
*Try your hand at an origin/creation myth: model it after one of the stories we’ve read, or go your own way.  It needs to have some/many of the literary characteristics/qualities of myths from our notes
*Age of Reason Era notes

*“The Voice, the Flood, and the Turtle”
*Read on own, take notes on the sheet (final column), when finished reading, answer these questions:
*1.  To what Biblical story does this story relate?  Explain at least two ways the stories are similar.
*2. What is the ending prophecy?  How could it be applied and interpreted today?  Please make your explanation of the prophecy and today’s world clear. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday, Feb. 1 Agenda

*Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook section: What is a frontier? Give as many different types of frontiers and examples as you can.  Why is it important to explore frontiers through literature/writing?
*First Topic: Cultural Encounters and Frontiers
*Brainstorm what groups and/or individuals we could read in this section
*ACT Essay “Answers” (take out the packet from yesterday)
*Native American/Colonial Group: While the group presents, make sure to take notes, ask questions and fully understand the era
*Native American myths

*Creation Myths- Iroquois in packet and “The World on the Turtle’s Back” page 38 Orange *Take notes on chart while reading or at end of reading. This is what definitely should be noted: what origins are explained, what characteristics shown, similarities and glaring differences (for this you want main plot and character points)