Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday, Feb. 12 Agenda

First Block:
In your writer’s notebook, write a paragraph where you explain the connections you can make between “Hunger in NYC” and “I Was Sleeping…”. They can be poetic connections or possibly cultural connections as both authors are contemporary Native American authors.
*Writer’s Workshop Time
*Confer with me if you would like
*Final draft due Monday
*ACT Prep Essay: Must you understand other cultures to understand your own?

*Remember, plan the essay before you write it. Have organization to your thoughts and the essay (intro w/ thesis, body paragraphs w/topic sentences, conclusion and make sure to support your position)

Fourth Block:
*Bell Ringer: “Hunger In New York City” pg. 950 Blue/handout and questions: answer questions on the poem itself, making sure to identify word choice that supports your answer (you can just identify it directly in the text) (fourth block)
*In your writer’s notebook, write a paragraph where you explain the connections you can make between “Hunger in NYC” and “I Was Sleeping…”. They can be poetic connections or possibly cultural connections as both authors are contemporary Native American authors.
*Writer’s Workshop Time (NOT MUCH TIME FOR THIS)
*Confer with me if you would like
*Final draft due Monday
*ACT Prep Essay: Must you understand other cultures to understand your own?

*Remember, plan the essay before you write it. Have organization to your thoughts and the essay (intro w/ thesis, body paragraphs w/topic sentences, conclusion and make sure to support your position)

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