Bell Ringer: Blogging About Literature mini-intro
Writer’s Workshop time to work on body paragraphs, then go into Intro and Conclusion first draft
write together -analysis practice in Google Drive
Work on Intro and Conclusion when body rough draft is complete
Intros: Attention getter, Necessary Information (author’s name, title(italics), plot info related to thesis), Thesis
Conclusions: restated thesis (new words/order, same idea), re-emphasize arguments (not summarize everything you said), explain ‘so what?’ and possibly tie back to attention getter
Writer’s Workshop: full first/second draft (when you are ready for me to read it, upload it to Turnitin) by end of block-ish (second has the intro and conclusion)
Better analysis: tied to topic sentences, fully proving the thesis, take parts of the quote to explain
Take out unnecessary summary!!!
Enrollment key: F2019amlit Class ID: 22251669